Behind the Glass takes its title from the series shot in Minsk and Moscow in 2005-2006.

Back in those days I wrote:  » I had been away for about two years from the city where I was raised and came just for few weeks to visit my family. It was the month of January. There was mud with wet snow on the streets. I was at the bus stop staring with fascination at the faces glued to the windows in the public transportation. They looked at me in turn. The glass separated us, thus creating an illusion of disengagement. The texture of the window itself with its history framed the face, taking it out from the real life context. The stillness and detachment of a human look together with the surface of the glass was already an enigmatic picture to me, which I then captured on flm. »

The Publishing house Chose Commune proposed to mix this un published body of work with the more recent work. The constellation of these photographs creates a new portrait of life as it travels across our path.  Where do we go and what do we leave behind us? These are the questions that interest me.